Why Hire Filipinos?

The Philippines is becoming as one of the top countries in the world for outsourcing freelancers by foreign businesses. No matter what the business requires, whether it be a customer support, virtual assistants, graphic designer or a copywriter, there is almost always a Filipino who can do it perfectly and brilliantly. If you’re still unsure whether to hire Filipino independent contractors for your business, let us help you relax. Here are some justifications for hiring Filipinos who work from home.

1. You’ll spend less on labor costs.

Businesses may be able to save money through outsourcing to Filipinos. You can hire foreign personnel with the same or even higher qualifications to do some of your company’s functions on a contract basis. In comparison to those from the United States or Western Europe, talents from underdeveloped nations like the Philippines typically have rates that are far lower.

Based on the U.S. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median hourly income for all white-collar jobs was $33.54 as of May 2020. You can hire Filipinos for the same roles for much less.

2. Filipinos are proficient in the English language.

Filipinos are very fluent in English, one of the nation’s official languages, and they are ranked 22nd globally as per EF English Proficiency Index 2022 Report. The EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI) is an annual report published by EF Education First, that ranks nations and regions according to the English language competency of their population. The EF Standard English Test (EF SET), which evaluates non-native English speakers’ reading and listening abilities, is the basis for the report.

More than 14 million Filipinos speak English, which has always been one of the nation’s official languages. It serves as the main language of teaching in educational institutions and the language of trade and law.

(Reference: State of English in the Philippines: Should We Be Concerned?)

3. Filipino’s culture values hard work.

Filipinos have developed the idea that hard effort always pays off because they live in a growing nation. They are used to working long hours and difficult jobs. You can be confident that the work will be done as long as you give a thorough instructions and establish clear expectations.

4. The Philippines is accustomed to outsourcing practices.

The Philippines is one of the top locations in the world for BPO companies (Business Process Outsourcing), a significant industry in the country. Business process outsourcing (BPO) has changed the way Filipinos work in a big way. BPO means sending business tasks like customer service, technical help, and back-office work to companies in other countries, usually to save money. Many Filipinos already work as full-time employees in BPOs or as independent contractors, making them used to this setup. Since many Filipinos have prior work experience in this industry, they can work around their clients’ schedules, interact with foreign clients, and meet deadlines across multiple time zones.

One major impact of BPO on the work habits of Filipinos is the emergence of a 24/7 work culture. Filipinos now work around the clock. BPO companies often serve clients in different time zones, which means that their employees have to work shifts outside of normal business hours. This has caused a change in work hours and a higher demand for people who are willing to work outside of normal Filipino business hours. Eastern Time, Central Time? No problem!

Additionally, BPO has helped Filipino workers get better at what they do. BPO companies often give their workers chances to learn and grow, which helps them improve their technical and communication skills. Oftentimes, these companies provide training that are normally not accessible to Filipino companies. For example, Six Sigma trainings and certifications are common with BPOs. These made the standard of the Filipino workforce better and helped to make the country a top place for outsourcing services.

5. They are considered as global citizens.

A 2014 report by the research firm Millward Brown praised Filipinos as being global citizens. Considering how profoundly Chinese, Spanish, American, and Japanese cultures have affected the Philippines throughout its history, this is not a surprise. Filipinos enjoy working for multinational corporations and only need a little, if any, adjustment to global business practices.

Due to a number of reasons, including their widespread diaspora, fluency in English, and capacity for cultural and linguistic adaptation, Filipinos are regarded as global citizens.

The enormous diaspora of the Filipino people is one of the major elem that has contributed to their status as global citizens. Filipinos have a long history of migration, and millions of them currently reside and are employed abroad. This has led to a sizable Filipino population in various regions of the world, creating a strong sense of interconnectedness and community among Filipinos everywhere.

The English language competence of Filipinos has also contributed to their status as global citizens. Filipinos are renowned for having excellent English language abilities, and English is one of the official languages of the Philippines. They are now more appealing to employers on the worldwide market, especially in fields like business process outsourcing where competence in English is crucial.

Last but not least, Filipinos are renowned for their capacity for cultural and environmental adaptation. Filipinos are often accommodating of other people’s cultures and ways of life, which makes them suitable for living and working abroad. Because of their versatility, Filipinos are respected members of the international society, and many of them have made significant contributions to the social, cultural, and economic advancement of the nations in which they live.


Filipinos are part of a sizable market of freelancers just waiting to be tapped. They are skilled, versatile, and lack any significant communication barriers. You may either take advantage of the large pool of talents available and reduce operational expenses, or you can ignore it and lose out on the many advantages Filipino freelancers can provide.

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